Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kramer VS Sink comparison

         In Kramer's article he talks about how college students are working more, their wages stay the same and the price for college education continues to rise. In Sink's article she talks about deaths due to alcohol abuse in Colorado colleges. Oddly enough the two are related. College students instead of saving their money to pay for college spend their money on beer and liquor to have a good time and to party. So one reason in addition for paying loans, college students also spend a large quantity on alcohol.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 2 Kramer

             In Kramer's article he danswers the qeustion, "why do college students work so much?" He talks about how school prices are going up so students are forced to work more hours at low wage jobs so they don't have to take out as much money for college loans.
            Being a college student i can relate to this first hand. College prices keep rising, while wages for the typical college student stay the same. My prediction is that in the future colleges will price themselves out of business and most students will be going to community colleges for a lot less money.

Chapter 2 Tesich

          Tesich talks about his love for his friends and expresing it or not expressing it. For girls he would say I love you and have the emoition nailed down. For men he never told them he loved them, not nailing down the emotion. Tesich realizes that it is best to not nail down the emotion because once you do, the way you act towards that individual is diferent now that the emotion has been nailed down where as by not nailing it down you can still prove it through your actions.
          In Tesich's writing i can relate to being able to show more emotions towards woman friends than friends of mine who are men. I can also relate to his childhood memories of having a best friend and playing games and saving each other. I can also relate to having a friend being in the army, my childhood friend fro first grade is being shipped off to the marines next sunday and I pray he makes it home safely.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chapter 2 Erin Mallants Rodriguez

       In Erin Mallants Rodriguez's article he talks about how woman are out numbering men in education especially at the college level. "At Miami Dade College, 38 percent of students in fall 2003 were men." Even here at Plattsbugh the population of woman students is higher than the population of men. I remember that in high school my teacher told me that schools are directing their courses and teaching styles towards the way woman learn. Woman are moving up in todays society, it use to be woman could not vote and now woman are becoming CEOs of large businesses and becoming more equal to men, which is the way it should be.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chapter 2 Meghan Daum

        The passage "We're Lying: Safe Sex and White Lies in the Time of Aids" is kind of scary. The things that we can do to our bodies if we are not careful is frightening. Diseases and pregnancy can ruin our lives. The way Daum describes such deseases like AIDS is eye opening and puts a chill down your back. "AIDS is foremost in our malleable minds, a phantom in our not-yet-haunted houses"(p53). It made me think of what i can do now so that I have a healthy body in the future when I am 50 years old.  I personally do not have to worry about hurting my body in such ways because of the group of friends i associate myself with. Later on in Daum's writing she mentions trusting people. "The message is that trusting anyone is itself an irresponsible act"(p55). It is a shame that in today's society you really can't trust people. My Uncle had also brought this to my attention one day while fishing. He told me to be very careful and that you can't trust people anymore like you use to be able to. He is the kind of person who would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, the kind of person you do not meet anymore in today's society, the person i strive to be.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chapter 2 Anderson (Facebook)

Chapter two in Anderson's book begins with a chapter about online background checks on employees. Today emploers are checking facebook and googling names before giving someone a job. Even colleges are using Facebook to check up on their students because many people will post pictures of a night where they went drinking. Today kids and anyone who is looking for a job have to be extremely careful when putting pictures on facebook. Posting pictures of a night where you were drunk could result in you getting suspended from college or even not geting a job in the future. What this section is sating to employers and employees is to be careful what you put on facebook and check facebook to see get a background check on the kind of person they are.  "It's unfortunate that they might unknowingly damage their chance for a job or internship offer."

Chapter 2 Mindy Sink

         In Mindy Sink's article she talks about deaths in college because of alchohol abuse. Sink uses examples of deaths related to alchohol abuse from the University of Colorado and Colorado State University. In the two examples from Colorado the students died from alcohol poisoning after a night of extremely heavy drinking. She also goes on to mention that the problem is not only in Colorado but across the United States.
        In one of Sink's paragraphs she interviews Russell Harverson, general manager of Rose Hill Wine and Spirits. Harverson says, "These kids are away from home for the first time and not taught to drink responsibly." I agree with what Harverson says because I think when kids come to college it is culture shock for many of them. I think that many kids have not been around so many other kids and leads to the irresponsible consumption of alchohol.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The turning points that I have experienced in writing were all like a light bulb went off in my head. The one that I remember the most was my first time using quotes when I was a freshmen in high school. I had never used quotations before and the first time I tried to use them I really screwed up. When i sat down with my teacher one on one she showed me how to use quotations properly and I remember feeling foolish for my mistakes.